- Wash your hands (as prescribed in hand washing protocol)
- Put on examination gloves
- Take your instrument tray / pre-soak (closed) to the dirty room (sterilization room)
- At the dirty room / sterilization room, put on a clean disposable apron, mouth mask and / or disposable sleeve guards and safety glasses / splash goggles.
- Fill the ultrasonic with demineralized water and enzymatic cleaning fluid (ratio as recommended by detergent manufacturer).
- Lift the basket and place the dirty instruments one by one in the container to avoid splashing.
- Carefully lower the basket into the water and close the lid. (plastic film over the lid can limit aerosol formation)
- Switch on the ultrasonic and start the process as described by the manufacturer (time / temperature)
- When the process is complete, remove and discard the plastic from the lid.
- Remove the basket and place it in the (dirty) sink, fill it with water and empty the basket under water.
- Scrub tools under water (brush / sponge) Scrub under water to avoid splashes.
- Check the instruments (in case of visible contamination, repeat process with ultrasound or remove / discard instrument.
- Rinse each instrument
- Place instruments on clean paper towels to dry.
- Empty your instrument container into a (dirty) sink, and rinse / scrub it clean and disinfect
- Turn off the ultrasonic and clean/empty your ultrasonic daily (working days) via the tap
- Rinse and disinfect the interior and dry.
- Rinse your sink after use
- Apron, sleeve protectors, gloves, mouth mask can be thrown away and glasses take off.
- New jewelry only needs to undergo the process in a (clean) ultrasonic, or new jewelry can be cleaned via a steamer or via anodizing. Jewelry does not need to be scrubbed, but after ultrasonic it needs rinsing and drying.
- The instruments / new jewelry must be completely dry and checked for defaults or damage.
- Wash hands and put on gloves
- Pack and seal the instruments / jewelry as described by the manufacturer.
- Instruments should be packed in an open position.
- Jewelry is disconnected (end from post) and packed in a seal bag. This so that the steam can penetrate all over the surface during sterilization.
- Place a sticker with possibly the size of the instrument or necessary information of the jewelry in a corner on the plastic side of the bag
- Place the bags in the autoclave, making sure that the paper side is exposed so that the steam can penetrate freely.
- Place the dated indicator in a sterilization pouch and place it with the other pouches
- Set the autoclave to the program and let it run
- Afterwards open the autoclave and let the instruments / jewelry cool down
- Switch off the autoclave
- With gloves, remove the bags from the autoclave and check that the packaging is dry.
- Check the indicator if it is discolored correctly according to the manufacturer’s instructions
- Paste the indicator into the log with date, cycle number, cycle type and operator name.
- Place the date and cycles number on the paper side of the bags by means of a stamp or sticker. Never with a pen because you can pierce the seal and it is no longer sterile.
- Store the bags in a closed drawer / non-porous container or cupboard. And work first in, first out.
- Wash your hands.